Thursday, November 8, 2007

Another Recipe Review

Just thought I would compose a quick post about the raw cookies that some of you got to taste last night. I forgot to take pictures of the dough and the process, so we'll have to save that for next time.

I used a slight variation on the recipe that I featured from Raw Nirvana on this post. It basically consisted of the following: (BTW, this is what I did -- it isn't necessarily the recipe as they have it. Watch the video if you want an exact replica)

  1. Take about 1/2 cup almonds and 1/2 cup walnuts and a dash of salt
  2. Process in food processor until the consistency of meal
  3. I added four pitted dates and 1/2 cup (give or take) of raisins and a dash of almond extract
  4. Process that well with the nut meal
  5. Add to that 1/2 cup of shaved (grated) coconut
  6. Blend well in food processor

Voila! You are done!

From there you will most likely want to keep it refrigerated. At least, that is, whatever is not consumed outright! I rolled some of mine in a ball and then rolled it in coconut again, but the majority of it I placed in the fridge and plundered from time to time when I was feeling peckish.

I found it to be surprisingly sweet and rich and it really satisfied my sugar cravings.

Big thumbs up and simple to boot!


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